Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between interpreting and translating?

Interpreting and translating are ways of imparting a language. While translating, written texts are conveyed in another language in writing, interpreting consists of conveying the spoken language.

Translators and interpreters capture the message in all its nuances in the source language, in order to reproduce it as naturally and faithfully as possible in the target language.

If you need a translator or interpreter, then just contact us.

In which languages does Dr. Simonfay Translation Services GmbH take on translation and interpreting services?

Our translation office takes over for our customers specialized translations in German, English, Hungarian and French languages. We also accept interpreting assignments in the above mentioned language combinations.

What is a certified translation?

Certified translations are made by generally sworn and certified court interpreters. In Austria, most of the certificates and official documents intended for a court, an authority or an education institution are translated by a sworn and certified court interpreter. Certified translations are accompanied by a certification of authenticity as well as the stamp and the signature of a court interpreter.

The translations issued by our translation office with a certification of authenticity by Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay are recognized by the authorities (courts, administrative bodies, etc.) of all EU Member States. As a sworn court interpreter for English, German, French and Hungarian, Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay takes over the legal liability for the correctness and completeness of the translated documents.

What is a court interpreter?

A generally sworn and certified court interpreter is an interpreter who has passed a sworn-in and certification process as part of a judicial administration procedure. Quality is ensured by strict selection criteria. The court interpreter must demonstrate particular professional knowledge and qualification for his profession. In all cases, he is obliged to maintain discretion and must translate spoken and/or written texts faithfully and conscientiously into the other respective language.

The term “generally sworn and certified court interpreter” is legally protected. This term refers to both interpreting and translation activities. The court interpreter is especially at the disposal of courts and authorities, but he also works for private persons, for example in the case of translations of contracts, documents or certificates, in the execution of notarial acts or during marriage ceremonies.

How to calculate the price of a translation?

Our standard conditions depend on the type of translation, the source and the target language, as well as the delivery time. For short standard documents, we can charge a flat rate. For longer texts, the price is calculated according to the standard line (55 characters incl. space characters) or the standard page (1650 characters) in the target language. Furthermore, the price is determined by the delivery time.

Please send us your documents by e-mail and our translation office will give you a non-binding cost estimate promptly.

Can Dr. Simonfay Translation Services GmbH offer me a cost estimate for a certified translation or an interpretation assignment?

For a non-binding cost estimate, simply fill out the form via the ONLINE-REQUEST button and, within a short time, we will give you our best price and the earliest delivery time for the translation or the interpretation assignment.

How long does a translation take?

The delivery date of a translation depends on the text length and the degree of difficulty of the translation. Please send us the documents you wish to be translated via e-mail and we will notify you of the date of delivery.

In case of very urgent, voluminous translations, an express surcharge of 50-100% might likely apply.

Will the translation documents be treated confidentially?

Certainly! Regardless of whether you need the certified translation of school reports, documents or contracts, our translation office keeps all documents strictly confidential. If necessary, our translation office will conclude an arrangement of confidentiality with you.

Is a translation certified in Austria also accepted in Hungary?

Yes. In Hungary, the recognition of authentication of translations, prepared in Austria, is made possible by Articles 22 and 23 of Legislative Decree No 24 of the year 1967 (Agreement on Mutual Remedies and Instruments between the Republic of Austria and the People’s Republic of Hungary). Since the founder of our office, Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay, is a generally sworn and certified court translator and interpreter for English, French and Hungarian language, his certified authenticated translations, as defined by the abovementioned agreement, do not require any further certification in Hungary. That means that the translations certified by us are on a par with the certified translations issued by the Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd. (OFFI Ltd in Hungarian).

If you need a certified translation for official authorities in Hungary, we can gladly help you further.

What is simultaneous Interpreting?

Simultaneous interpreting, also called conference interpreting, is a form of interpreting, in which interpretation is produced almost simultaneously with the source speech. The interpreter works together with a colleague in a fixed or mobile sound-proofed interpreting booth. The interpreters take turns regularly.

The input is interpreted simultaneously, i.e. it is interpreted simultaneously via a microphone, and the participants in the meeting hall choose the appropriate channel to listen to the transmitted content in the language of their choice.
Simultaneous interpreting requires great professional competence and distinctive linguistic skills, as well as an extremely high concentration and a lot of practice.

Would you like to organize a multilingual event? We have a highly professional pool of interpreters. Contact us and we will gladly provide you with comprehensive advice!

What is consecutive interpreting?

During consecutive interpreting, the interpreter reproduces a speech in the respective language in parts. The interpreter sits next to the participants or next to the speaker, listens to the speech and interprets what is being said with the aid of notes. The interpreters have to make quick notes using special interpreting marks and need to have excellent rhetorical skills.

Consecutive interpreting requires a special memory capacity. Professional interpreters are able to reproduce speeches of up to ten minutes with great accuracy. This form of interpreting is nowadays less common and remains relevant for small events (for example, small groups, highly specialized symposia or business lunches).

What is Whispering?

Whispering is a kind of simultaneous interpretation, but can also be carried out without any technical devices. While whispering, also known as Chuchotage (in French), the interpreter is seated aslant behind the person who listens or between the participants and simultaneously interprets the respective speech of the presenter directly into the ear of the participants.

Because of the stressful acoustic conditions and the high strain on the vocal cords, interpretation in this way can only be done for a short time. Whispering is used mainly in bilateral meetings or in groups where only a few participants do not understand the language of the speaker.

One of my colleagues or friends speaks a foreign language fluently. Can he/she also provide translations for our company or for me?

No! Not everyone who masters a foreign language is automatically in a position to provide qualitative translations. Translators and interpreters are linguistically trained and basically translate/interpret in their mother tongue. Moreover, one should bear in mind that professional translators and interpreters do not only have a gift for languages but they are also cultural experts.

Put your matters in the hands of real professionals!

I have translated my documents myself. Can you certify the translation with your stamp and your signature?

Since Mag. Dr. Géza Simonfay has to take over the legal liability for the certified translations, only translations provided by our office can be certified. This also ensures that you receive a high-quality certified translation. Trust our expertise and leave the translation of your documents to our professional team.

Get an offer for your certified translation today!